Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Integrity video.

WALT: communicate a message with others.
WALT: show integrity.
DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about integrity.  We want to share our understanding with others.
What? Make a Puppet Pal to show our understanding of integrity.
Why? To show what we know about integrity, to share during our Student Led Conference.
When? Term 2, Week 1 - 7
Who? The World
EVALUATION: I think our group did very well on our intergrty video.
Create a story board showing the beginning, middle and end of our message. Yes we made a story board but I think in the video we change it a bit.
Use Puppet Pals as a tool to share our message. I think we didn't do that we'll with our puppet pals.
Keep our audience engaged. I think we did keep our audience engaged.
Everyone in our group has contributed evenly. Yah i think we did good at contributed evenly.
Integrity is the main theme of our message. Yes integrty is our main message in this video.

I show intergty by tidying up, the pen's and pencil's and when someone drops something, I go and give it back to them, or I tell them. When I am learning I need to know what I am doing.


  1. That gang sure didn't show integrity! It is difficult to ensure that the main message shines through in a movie isn't it?

  2. Good team work in presenting this, I like how the music changes to support the action and mood in the video, I know you liked the music changes too Jake :-) Thank you for sharing this with me, Mum
