Wednesday 23 November 2016

Athletics post

  • Athletics Reflection:

    • What was the most enjoyable part of athletics for you? Why?high jump because it's fun and I like jumping and it is the easiest.

    • What are you really proud of? Why? Everything because I feel proud with myself.

    • What was the most challenging part? Why? Long distance because it is tiring and when I was running I felt like I was last so I was embarrassing.

    • Where to now? What are your goals for next time? Why do you want to focus on this?well next time I will trian not at school.


Monday 14 November 2016

Maths statics post

description:for maths we where doing statics we wanted to make a survey to find out stuff we did a survey about a game we can play at lunch brunch.


Sunday 13 November 2016

book buddies post

Description: for reading we have something called book buddies my buddy is max b for book buddies  both you and your buddy have the same book and you do task from your book


Market day post

Description: we have been doing something called prep it is market day we had to make a product to sell here is my groups slide.


Monday 7 November 2016

Writing sample

description: for writing we had to change someone's mind so that they would buy are headphones.


Wednesday 21 September 2016

Risk taking

Description: we did a risk taking task it was when 20 of the year 6 went with the teachers and said what was there risk so the those 20 year 6 came and did it with the rest of the students


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Calendar art sample

Description: Every year ( I think ) we make calendar art this year we did a self portrait of of faces and we put marks ( drawings of thing we like ) and we made a piece of art. We had to flow some of the information in a slide and her is the slide.


Feedback/feedforward: I think that you have done awesome on your portrait but next time you should put some more couler into it. 😑Max B😑

Evalaution: I think that I did bad a t my self portrait because it doesn't look like me. I did good at my castle crasher head.