Sunday 28 February 2016

Busy and active listening

Description: we chose to do learning about active,busy and me2 listening active is when you are listening to the speaker and looking and agreeing and disagreeing with the speaker and then telling them why.busy listening is when the speaker is talking to you but you are playing with something or you are talking to someone else. Me2 listening is when someone is speaking and you are listening but then you but in and they try to talk but then you are still talking so then they just give up.


Big idea: for the learning we had to make a 30 sec video that showed 2 or 3 ways of listening (active,busy and me2 listening). In this video up above we are going to or have showen you what active and busy listening is. I learnt that it is best to be a active listener but it is best to be a busy listener when someone is being mean to you.

Feedback/feedforward:I think that you did good at being the host of the video. I don't have anything that you could improve on. Max b

Evaluation: I think I did good at speaking clearly because I can here myself easily I think I am good at being a active listener because I always know what to do and I am always agreeing and disagreeing and I always am looking at the speaker.

1 comment:

  1. Once again a very detailed post Jake. You have explained really well exactly what we did and how to be an active listener. Next time think about how you could look at your work with a critical eye and see ways yourself to improve it.
