Thursday 1 September 2016

Troy writing

Description: For the last few weeks we have been writing a story that was based on a video that we watched it was about how you make tennis balls but we didn't write about anything to do with tennis or how tennis balls got made we got some words that where in the video could be something different to what it was like for example there was clay that was brown I thing but I thought it was chocolate or I saw stuff that was like paint so guess what I put down I think you got it I put down paint but some of the words we put down we couldn't have because


Feedback/feedforward: maybe next time you should do a way longer story 

Evalaution: I think I need to make it bigger because it is sort of hard to read. I think I did good with the story though 

1 comment:

  1. Jake, I really enjoyed reading your story (albeit in an extremely small window making it difficult) Next time think about paragraphing and punctuation to make it easier for your readers.
