Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Drama sample

Description: we have been doing drama with Redecca my favourite activity was hotseating it was my favourite because you had to be ask questions.


Big idea: as I said my fave was hotseating I learnt that how to stay in form by sounding like that person.

Feedback/feedforward: i think you need to make some word make sense. I like how you had a lot of information. Jeffery😎

Evaluation: I think i did good at hotseating because I stay did form and was speaking like the person that I was trying to be but I did not like it when we had to stop early. 


Description:My goal in writing is to included some complex came from my book in some sentences How are you trying to get better at it? I am going to add more complex sentences in my writing.

Here is the image we used for motivation:

Big idea:

Feedback/Feedforward:I like the way you did little paragraphs. Shaiv.
Next time don't do the image to big. Ok. Shaiv.

Evaluation: Thanks for the feedback and feedforward shaiv I like how I put in paragraphs but I think I could of put more writing in m y story it would of made it more fun.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Production- wearable arts upcycling sample

Description: each Friday we do stuff for our production this production that I am talking about is called  ora-life the themes that we got to chose out of was here's and villans, elements and last but no least out of Africa I was put in heroes and villans the purpose was upcycling.


What: I have done all of my garmint I made my poles around my body with this wire stuff and bottle caps I got the mask then painted it and the top hat they is attached to the mask is made out of a small container then I panted is the image:

Big idea: 
1) The materials that I used to create my garment were:bottle lids, ice cream lids,wire,fabric,hot glue,a container and blue white black paint.

2) The most challenging thing about production for me was:my wires around my body because I burnt myself 4.

3) One way I demonstrated a growth mindset during production was: when I got burnt I still keep on going and I got it finished.

4) Something I am really proud of about production was: i was proud of my whole germent because it looks cool.

5) Our school vision is to create agency, creativity and excellence. I showed this by: I showed agency by when i was waiting for the hot glue gun I wait and let other people before me.

Feedback/feedforward: I think you did well on mixing the colours so it pops. Next time you could add something interesting with those rings other than just bottle tops.logan

evalaution:i think I did good with mixing colours and I think that the bottle tops will shine.i could of added more thing to it.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Reading Portfolio Sample Term 3 Tic Tac Toe

My goal is Summarising 
Why did I choose it? I chose this goal because I just throught I was bad a this goal and I just want to do it.
What does it mean? This goal mean getting the key words to brake it down.
What have I been learning in your workshops? I have been learning about note taking.
What is the tic tac toe? This tic ta toe is called story wheel.


Big idea:
what is that learning part? The leaning is to make photos and make it so it explained the story. In my workshops I have been doing note taking note taking is when you read a story then you take the main
Points then write them on a piece of paper.

Feedback/feedforward: you did well with the note taking in pictures and when you draw them that was good to.
I think that with the pictures you could have added a bit of text like the main points and stuff or explain were your up to and yeah.😜Jayden Paddison.

Evaluation: I think i did good explaining the story with the pictures I could of made more pictures but there was not that much to the story.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Summering post

Description: At literacy time I did a summering qiuz. I failed 3 time but it does not matter.if you want to play this qiuz here is the link: is a photo of my success.